Sunday, December 26, 2010

Youversion Live

I'm trying out something new for my Wednesday night bible study group. I'm putting out my notes through Youversion Live. I'm going to give this a try for a couple of weeks and see how it's received both by students and parents. You can find my group here.

If you don't know, Youversion is a Bible app for phones with a website that the app synch's with. They have about 40 different translations available, many of which you can download to your phone for use offline. In addition they have reading plans, note taking, and you can share notes or verses through Twitter or Facebook.

The "Live" part is a set of tools to make sermon notes available through the app. This includes the ability to take your own notes, send questions in, prayer requests, take polls and share the notes through social media sites.

I figured I would give this a go with the middle school group since they are so attached to their phones already it's hard to get them to pay attention to anything else. If it works for some of them, then I'll see about doing it for our Youth Pastor for his messages to the High School and College age youth.

1 comment:

  1. Is this app only for iphones or it can be used with symbian and android devices? I was thinking of telling my dad about it, cause it might be very useful for him.
